Free AI Humanizer

Transform your AI-generated content into natural, human-like text.
Bypass any AI Detector by using our free Humanizer AI Text

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Why Use an AI Text Humanizer?

AI-generated text often lacks the natural flow and nuance of human writing. Our AI Text Humanizer bridges this gap by:

  • Improving readability and engagement
  • Enhancing the natural flow of language
  • Reducing the risk of detection by AI content detectors
  • Saving time on manual editing and rewriting
  • Maintaining the original message while improving its delivery

Whether you're a student, content creator, or professional, our AI Humanizer helps you produce more authentic, human-like content that resonates with your audience.

Use Cases


Improve your academic writing


Enhance your content for search engines


Make your research papers more readable


Craft more natural-sounding messages

Technical Writing

Simplify complex technical content

Bypass AI Detection

Make AI-generated content appear more human-like

How It Works


Input your AI-generated or formal text


Our AI analyzes and understands the content


The text is rewritten in a more natural, human-like style


Bypass any of the modern AI Detectors

Example by our Humanizer for AI Text

Before Humanizing

Uganda is a relatively small country, covering an area of 241,038 square kilometers, about the size of the U.S. state of Oregon. ⁤⁤It is bordered by Kenya to the east, South Sudan to the north, the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the west, Rwanda to the southwest, and Tanzania to the south. ⁤⁤The country's diverse geography includes everything from snow-capped mountains to vast savannas, lush rainforests, and immense lakes. ⁤ ⁤One of Uganda's most remarkable geographical features is Lake Victoria, the largest lake in Africa and the second-largest freshwater lake in the world. ⁤⁤The lake is shared by Uganda, Kenya, and Tanzania, and its shores are home to numerous fishing communities and picturesque villages.

GPTZero checker: 93% AI
QuillBot checker: 100% AI

After Humanizing

Uganda, with its extent of 241,038 square kilometers, can be said to be a small country. It is better to compare its size to the U.S. state of Oregon. Uganda is located to the east of Kenya, to the north of South Sudan, and the east of the country there is the Democratic Republic of the Congo, to the southwest of Rwanda is Tanzania, and to the south is it. The various geographical features of the country range from snow-capped mountains to vast savannas, lush rainforests, and immense lakes. Another of Uganda's impressive geographical phenomena is Lake Victoria, the largest lake in Africa and the second-largest freshwater lake in the world. The lake is a source of water for Uganda, Kenya, and Tanzania, and its banks are lined with numerous fishing towns and pretty villages.

GPTZero checker: 4% AI
QuillBot checker: 0% AI

Working with 50+ Languages

English flagEnglish
Spanish flagSpanish
French flagFrench
German flagGerman
Italian flagItalian
Portuguese flagPortuguese
Dutch flagDutch
Russian flagRussian
Chinese flagChinese
Japanese flagJapanese
Korean flagKorean
Arabic flagArabic
Hindi flagHindi
Bengali flagBengali
Turkish flagTurkish
Thai flagThai
Vietnamese flagVietnamese
Indonesian flagIndonesian
Polish flagPolish
Ukrainian flagUkrainian

About Our Humanizer

Our AI Humanizer uses advanced natural language processing techniques to transform AI-generated or formal text into more natural, human-like language. It analyzes the content, context, and intent of your text to produce output that sounds like it was written by a human.

Whether you're a student looking to improve your essays, a content creator aiming to enhance your SEO, or a professional trying to simplify complex technical writing, our AI Humanizer can help you communicate more effectively and naturally.

🎉 Black Friday Special Offer!

Get 50% off on Pro Yearly Plan for a limited time. Use "BLF50" at checkout!

Pricing Plans


  • 100 word input limit
  • Basic humanization
  • 50+ languages supported

Pro Monthly

$5.99/per month
  • 1000 word input
  • Advanced humanization
  • 50+ languages supported
  • 100 Credits monthly
  • Priority support

Pro Yearly

$109.99/per year
  • All Pro Monthly features
  • Advanced humanization
  • Early access to new features
  • 2500 credits yearly
  • Priority support

Paid plans now available!

Frequently Asked Questions